Wednesday, February 29, 2012

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood...

 Currently on station: -2.2 degrees F with E winds @20 = -26.2 degrees

Sung to the tune of Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood. I go to work in a similar way. Since I work in a clean room environment I remove my boots and put on slippers.

Entering the vestibule at work.

My sweater, hat, and my duck bib overalls.

My boots are removed...

and I put my slippers on.

My feet on the sticky cleaning mat.

I'm ready for work.
The next several pictures will show the walk to the galley for breakfast.

Highway 1.

The store.

The hand washing station outside the galley.

The steps up to the galley.

Hang your parka here.

The food has been good. Yesterday's dinner was prime rib cut to order. Last week we had cooked to order steaks and lobster tail. And there is always a good dessert selection of cakes, pies, cookies, puddings, and of course a Frosty machine with a hot fudge server right next to it! Carrot cake last night. And of course the price is right!

Old artifacts and pictures on the way to the serving line.

Trays and plates. The first station has fruit, breads, and desserts.

Breakfast is served.

Two serving stations, a cook to order grill (left), salad and fresh vegetable stand, and silverware stand (right). Tables beyond.

Cereal and milk plus bread and toasters.

Breakfast of champions - oatmeal with granola and cut apple with a slice of banana nut bread. My wife's bread is better.

Leaving the galley on Highway 2.

More recycling.

Heavy duty door to the outside.

I work at the two story building behind the first one.
3 in 1

1 comment:

  1. Whoohoo! You are making this adventure sound like more fun than work. I know you are putting in the long hours and I appreciate the paycheck! Thanks for sharing your quick wit, great pictures and narration, and the kind comments about my tacos and banana bread. I made 7 Layer cookies for Cary for Valentines and he still has one left waiting...You sound like you are watching the carbs, and even drinking less. That should allow you more calories for protein, and whatever you need to keep up your energy. The body needs more fuel to stay warm...and I think about you when I see the temperature on my car's dash at 87 in February! Of course, we will have a few more cooler days...and unlike you, they will have more daylight than night. Soak up your Vitamin D sun bathing now...By the way, surf will be rolling mid-week as a result of the storm activity farther north. Cary might venture out...Well, enjoy and keep us posted! Love always, Andee
