Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Snowing and Blowing Continues and Science Begins

Another collection of decals.

Summer fun!
McMurdo Sound diving has started. A hole is made in the ice and ice huts are dragged and placed over the hole. There are many types of ice huts that are dragged onto the ice for different science events.

This looks like a fun job.

I would like to try at least once.

The water is super clear with 250 feet of visibility.

When the warm hut door is opened a fog takes over.
Another storm descended on us this week. An announcement was made Tuesday at 1630 for all hands to leave work early for dinner as condition 1 was expected at 1800. As expected it was a madhouse in the galley and then later in the dorm as all other activities were cancelled. We stayed in condition 2 most of the night but never went to 1.

Life continues to go well although the "crowds" are wearing on me and most other winterovers. Patience is the daily word. A former co-worker told me that as an "old sea dog" I should wag my tail more and bark less. I like that.

My roommate and I get along well even though he is 25. I wonder how he feels living with someone older than his dad. He graduated from college two years ago and is working a few years to save for medical school - smart kid. Many people here have college degrees but like my roommate, who works in the kitchen, work any jobs for the adventure and money that can be saved. When you don't have to pay rent, utilities, food, gasoline, insurance or medical quite a bit can be saved. Plus at the end of the contract you have a world wide travel opportunity.

The fresh vegetables and fruit are gone again. I am down to my last apple.  One of the guys I hang out with now is the new galley manager. He has traveled all over the world working in various military and non-military food institutions. He has a lot of interesting stories to tell especially from Russia.

The sun is now up about 12 hours per day. On October 24th it will be up all day circling the continent and never setting. Then once again next May it will disappear. The Southern Cross is very faint now. I will miss that and the two pointer stars. What a fascinating continent!

A Royal Society Mountain Range sunset. Photo credit to Cynthia.

An interesting mosaic image from a Landsat satellite.

The NASA van doors don't seal very well. The bicycle tube looking thing is the door seal. This is after two days of blowing snow. The large red bag is a survival bag which includes a tent, stove, fuel, 2 sleeping bags with mats and enough food and water for three days.

McMurdo Station Weather
September 14, 2012 12:58 PM GMT
Temperature -14° C 7° F
Wind Chill -20° C -5° F
Wind Speed 6 knots

What a nice day...clear, bright, and warm. Last night I walked to the big gym for volleyball in my gym shorts and sweatshirt. The big gym is down near the helicopters at the top.


  1. Really!!!!! Gym shorts to the gym??? What is the temp? I don't think you would survive here after this month of intense heat and humidity. We had odd rain showers today...liquid sunshine! I am ready for the weekend...and know that you are too! Thanks for sharing these gorgeous sunsets...and try to sleep now to store up for the sunny nights ahead. Less than 30 days! Love always, andee

  2. Hovering around 0 degF. Plenty warm in these parts. The sunrises and sunsets don't get any better. 19 days and a wake-up. Look out Christchurch!
