Sunday, September 16, 2012

A Sunday Hike

Sunday turned into a nice day with little wind so after my morning gym routine I went hiking for a few hours. I even missed brunch since I didn't finish until after 1 pm.

After 6 weeks without regular television we may get it back Wednesday. I know people in the states that would go nuts after just a day without their cable tv. The last major storm took out the Black Island television link and now that football season has started management decided it is time to fix the link.  Black Island is about 25 miles away and is the off-continent communication link for McMurdo. All transmissions are microwaved to and from Black Island. Travel to Black Island is about 8 hours by Pisten Bully. There is a small living structure there that is only manned during the summer months. The two movie channels are still on but most of the movies have been shown at least a dozen times now.  I can do without any of it.

The ice pier is now 171" thick. Another two pours will put it at the required 18 feet. When the annual supply ship arrives in February after the ice breakers clears a path from the Southern Ocean the ship will tie up to this new pier and offload containers.

The dorm lounge view looking at Winter Quarters Bay and across McMurdo Sound.

Saturday night some friends and I had a wine and cheese tasting. I had two $70 bottles of New Zealand wine left.

The wine was excellent and so was the cheese.

The new vans are getting modified with much larger wheels/tires. To start the van a portable heater blows 220 degree hot air on the engine for 30 minutes until the van can be started and moved to the vehicle maintenance facility.

Interesting snow drift formation.

The snow has layered for several months now.

Snow drift in front of the library. There is a window there somewhere.

It was nice to wear my lighter jacket. If I could just figure out how to keep my glasses/goggles from fogging when my nose is covered.

The beach ball TDRS antenna radome on Crater Hill along with the three Kiwi wind turbines.

Scott Base.

Looking across the sea ice. The annual sea ice runway is under construction since the ice thickness is 56 inch average. The minimum for a C-17 to land is 48 inches. In February this will all be water filled with pods of whales.

The transition point from the ice shelf (permanent ice over water).

A nice swell running!

These will be dragged onto the ice field camps for scientists to work and live in. Portable generators supply heat and power. Gas and food runs are made. Sometimes they will be occupied for several months. I'm in!

Mil-vans full of solid human waste waiting for the annual supply ship in February to be removed. The solid waste is treated, compressed and dried. That's a lot of cold....@#$% there!

Observation Hill. The narrow snow filled area is the spot my friend and I slid down two weeks ago. We have told lots of people but they don't believe it until I show them my video (posted on YouTube).

Big Red Express waiting for work. What a cool tractor!

When I returned from my hike the water that forms inside the mask had dripped out and formed this 5 inch icicle. I wondered why people were looking at me funny when I returned. This "Darth Vader" mask builds up moisture in the nose/mouth cup so you breath in humid air (vs. dry which hurts the lungs).

Sunday afternoon in the sun filled lounge. What a treat - natural vitamin D! I even opened the window!

The end of another Antarctic week.
Two wine labels.

Getting short!


  1. Two weeks and a few! I know you are trying to be patient and taking care of your final duties. Keep those positive thoughts and know that we are sharing your excitement. I miss you and understand your desire to complete another bike journey in New Zealand. Jocelyn will be there too, and I expect that you two will find a way to enjoy a wonderful road trip! Keep entertaining us with your blog! Love always, Andee

    1. Thanks. Another few posts and this blog is finished. Post number 100 coming soon. So far there has been almost 7,000 hits.
