Friday, April 6, 2012

More questions and a good youtube link

Questions from Chris:

Hey Mike on the Ice,
So you have been there a few weeks now . . . . . .  what do you think has to be the coolest job, why?
and what do you see as the worst job, why?
just wondering
I really like my job and think it is the coolestAt NASA's McMurdo Ground Station (MGS) we are in the business of supporting a dozen polar orbiting scientific satellites. They are tracked through a 10 meter dish antenna that is built on an overlooking hill near Arrival Heights. Arrival Heights was named by the British National Antarctic Expedition (1901-1904) to signify arrival at the Winter Bay Headquarters. Currently the system automatically tracks, commands and collects data from about 40 satellite passes per day. A satellite pass consists of tracking a satellite from horizon to horizon (about 15 minutes) as it orbits the earth. Even though the system is automated there is a large amount of maintenance along with software upgrades that must be performed. My work partner and I are on call 24/7 through automated pagers. We are considered National Science Foundation (NSF) Grantees so are technically part of the science community. There are two other science people here right now. All other people here work support contracts for the National Science Foundation. Most of the science gets worked during the summer time. In other words most people here right now are keeping McMurdo running as it can not be left without support.
Mechanics have a tough job here because all the vehicles are so dirty and have a lot of periodic maintenance due throughout the winter. All trades are represented here. There are plumbers, carpenters, electricians, medical, galley people, supply, power plant people and janitors. It really is a town that functions well.

Working outside would be cool during moderate weather. Last week an electrical pole outside the gym was replaced and rewired. I was watching them trying to rewire during snowing and blowing conditions. It looked like a pretty rough job.

One of my neighbor looks at the McMurdo webcams ( everyday to see the conditions. The last two days has been snowing and blowing pretty good and he was wondering if the sunscreen was getting much use lately.

Not much use for this lately but there is plenty available. Burning occurs quickly here on a sunny day.

The medical staff here is excellent. I have become friends with all three. There is a regular doctor who is also a surgeon, a nurse practitioner who is also an EMT, and a physical therapist who shares the same birthday with me. I have hiked and dined with all of these friendly people. Since so many people gain weight over the winter there is a physical contest to see who stays in good shape throughout the season. I entered this contest and the PT recorded my weight and BMI through the pinch test. First place is a bowl of fresh ice cream when it arrives in August. I have heard though that historically the winners donate the ice cream to the station manager. 

Two nights ago one of my dental crowns fell off while asleep. Fortunately I didn't swallow it. This morning I talked with the doctor at breakfast and he said to come and get it re-cemented. The crown is now epoxied in. We'll see how long it lasts. There was no decay. The previous cement just dried out.  Everything is so dry here.

I have lost track of time while here. Last night at dinner as I joined a friend I commented that he didn't have the prime rib on his plate of baked potatoes and peas. His response was "I'm a catholic and this is Good Friday." I had to think about that and he said "Easter is Sunday." I guess so.

Today's Weather:

Weather Apr 07, 2012

Currently On Station
Wind Chill

Click on this link for a youtube video of McMurdo. It is one of the better ones.


  1. Wow. Can't believe you almost swallowed your tooth. eek!

  2. Medical has tried to epoxy it in 3 times now. I talked with Dr. Robben today.
