Monday, February 13, 2012

Departure Day

I finally left Orlando on February 8th, 2012. After several delays I made it to Miami and onto Los Angeles. Once there I had a rush to make the overseas flight to Auckland. I wasn't looking forward to sitting on a plane for 13 hours but made the most of it. Between reading, eating, and stretching my legs it actually turned out to be a pretty comfortable flight. The sunrise from the plane was spectacular.

The view of North Island New Zealand from the air was beautiful. It reminded me of Hawaii but with more islands.

Once in Auckland I went through customs and met up with my work partner. We took a domestic hop to Christchurch on South Island. There we spent a few days shopping and eating well. Most people wintering over shop for special food and alcohol to make their time on the ice more comfortable during the long, cold, dark days. The sun will set on March 22nd and rise again on August 22nd. After the sunset you can say "I can go home after the sun comes up."

Christchurch suffered through a large earthquake last year and much of the old architecture is still on the ground. It is sad to see but rebuilding is in full gear.

Shopping at the cheese shop was quite an experience.

I bought a slice of this. Really delicious.

The downtown area has reopened with businesses working out of steel crates.

Cool bank.

Not your usual Publix.

What a crane!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Shopping at the Whiskey Galore was my introduction into a whole different world.

A church steeple on the ground.

Bar in a crate!

Having one of New Zealand's finest.

There's something strange about this picture.


  1. You are sitting in the driver's side seat, without a wheel. These pictures are sharing a view of the city and culture. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Enjoyed the pictures ..... very interested in hearing more ....I will check often

    Ken Kline
