Tuesday, July 10, 2012

4th of July McMurdo Carnival

Friday evening was the annual 4th of July town carnival. Lots of fun but absent of kids and rides. The Vehicle Maintenance Facility (VMF) was emptied of all work, the floor pressure cleaned and booths set up. This is a town 2 day weekend except for us NASA guys.

Pressure cleaning the VMF floor.

For those that chose meat - a nice roast pig.

Chili contest.

Sausages, corn dogs, pulled barbequed pork and salads.

Items up for the auction.

A few game booths complete with carnies.


Human Jenga.

See how many boxes you can stack.

A dunking booth.

Kiwi ice cream.

An international haircut with an American and Kiwi.

Lots of Fat tire and other flavors.

I guess they are learning how to cut hair.

One of the auction items - laundry service.

More auction items including alcohol not available in the store.

More services being auctioned.

11 boxes.

12 boxes.

A dirty toilet game. Very clever.

The auction.

Pete the penguin in the dunking tank.

Real popcorn - my favorite.

Our traditional party picture.

The drumstick and pretzel were good.

With high heels!

Very graceful in costume!

On the walls of the Heavy Shop.

The Vehicle Maintenance Facility is a cool place to visit. A good friend of mine is in the process of tearing down a pisten bully. It is interesting to see the tracks removed.


  1. Human JENGA??! sweet. Definitely some creative folk out there.

    1. Several people tried to get me to play. No way. I am not good at balancing and even though you are tied in a harness I would hate to bang one of my knees.

  2. You have proven to be quite the athlete and this game is not one of my favorites...glad you watched! I can't believe how many recreation events you have gone to....miss me? I would love the social times!

    1. It is so easy to get into a rut here so I basically force myself to stay out of my room and participate. Plus there is no driving, taking care of the dogs, waiting for the wife! etc. In the real world (as you well know) I wouldn't be doing all this. It is easy to make my own decisions.
